Ride and Stride and RUN 2020

A Runner’s Perspective by Andrew Christopher Preliminary As of January 2020 I decided to take on the New Year’s resolution of getting fit and healthy. Having just graduated from university my lifestyle was very much eating junk food and drinking more than one should. At the beginning of the regime I weighed 13 stone 11 …

Concerts at St Candida and Holy Cross

From the Purcellian Concerts to the annual Alice Dilke Memorial Concert, Choral Evensong to Carols by Candlelight, for many years the church has been known for providing an excellent venue for enjoying classic and sacred music. We look forward to the return of concerts to the church when the restrictions to prevent spreading COVID-19 are …

Church to reopen as COVID19 recedes

After more than four months of closure, St Candida and Holy Cross Church will reopen its doors for Private Prayer on Fridays, beginning on the 25th June 2020. Visitor numbers are restricted to four at a time and hand sanitiser will be provided for use upon entering and exiting the church. Church users are asked …