Ash Wednesday 2022

Wednesday 2nd March at 6.00 – 6.30 p.m.

On Ash Wednesday we will be gathering for a short service of Solidarity with the Ukrainian People led by Rev’d Virginia Luckett. We will be providing the space and time to join with others in the community for a time of reflection and lighting of candles. Everyone is most welcome, whether you are a ‘regular’ church-goer or not.

Christmas at St Candida & Holy Cross

We hope to be holding be four services this December, plus a Short and Sweet Crib Service on the 23rd at 4.30p.m. We will be holding our candlelit Carol Service on Sunday 12th December at 5.00p.m. followed by mince pies and mulled wine. The Christmas Eucharist will be on Christmas Eve at 7.30p.m.

Saturday December 11th is for decorating the Church from 10.30am. Come and enjoy
the atmosphere with refreshments. We will need help with the tree decorating and
hopefully the crib will be returned after its makeover of a new thatched roof, so
we will need helpers to arrange the figures in the straw. Any flowers, greenery,
twigs etc will be most welcome for the windows, altar, font and the porch. Pop
the date in your diary.

For the last two years we have encouraged everyone in Whitchurch to put a star
somewhere in their decorations that can be seen from the road and we hope that
everyone will continue to support this. We will reuse the paper bag stars in church that
the children made at Short and Sweet before Covid struck.

Happy Birthday

Margaret McDonald Smith
Margaret MacDonald-Smith turned 100 in June 2021

Congratulations to Margaret – 100 years old in 2021.

Margaret MacDonald Smith (known to many of us as Margaret Woollet) who lived in Whitchurch Canoicorum for many years and then Ryall celebrated her 100th Birthday at the beginning of June in Basingstoke.  She was a stalwart of St Candida and long term Churchwarden.  She was very active  in the WI and village activities.  Her friends have written messages of congratulations, Liz and Nigel Carter recorded Happy Birthday and a specially made card was sent.  The messages were read out to Margaret as she is now blind.  She said she was lucky to have good weather when she celebrated her birthday outside and was very appreciative of all the messages she received. 

Team Whitchurch takes on the 2021 Ride and Stride Challenge

An Ode to Ride and Stride 2021, Whitchurch Canonicorum

We rode, we strode, we "tractored" and ran! 
The weather was 'Fair' and we took to the land. 

Thirteen striders strong and one runner to boot, 
set off from St Candida on a ten mile set route.

Four cyclists met at St Giles, 
contemplating the thirty-four miles
Late joined by a fifth, 
reinforcing the 'it's-going-to-be-a-hilly-ride' myth

Ten tractor drivers came on later 
with revving engines and tuned carburettors 
Setting off from the Five Bells
Shining from front grills to wheel wells
In vintage Massey, Ford and Brown 
Gathering from farms all around

We rode, we strode, we "tractored" and ran!
The weather was 'Fine' and we took to the land.

The striders rambled off southwards to take in the sights
Of sea and coast path, navigating stiles of great heights.
Visiting two different St Gabriel's, one standing, one a ruin
Stopping to rest in the sunshine of the autumn afternoon

One brave runner, fleet of foot, 
From the walkers the lead he took
Garnering local support on social media
Finished and first returned he was to St Candida

Up Wootton, Up Lyme Hill, Up up dingly dell,
The path that the cyclists rode went (sometimes?!) downwards as well.
Stopping at Saint Giles and Ignatius then Saints Gabriel and Paul
Saints Michael, Mary and John, Seventeen churches in all

Through the Vale trailed the tractors, a row of red, blue, grey and brown
Drivers lunched in a sheep shed between Broadoak and Seatown
They putt-putted the crest of Stonebarrow and could be easily seen
Chuntering through Charmouth, then back to Whitchurch by fields green

We rode, we strode, we "tractored" and ran!
The weather was 'partly sunny' and we took to the land.

At the end of the day, 
All finally found their way
Walkers, fast group and slow, 
Tractors, after thirty miles on the go
Cyclists, delayed by a puncture
At the very last juncture

What a merry day we had
And were we ever more than glad
To reach St Candida and Holy Cross
And see tables hosted by Sue, Kay, Judith and Ros
Sandwiches and cakes and tea
All kindly produced by Whitchurch PCC.

We rode, we strode, we "tractored" and ran!
The weather cooperated and we took to the land.

Betsy West Parish Organiser, Whitchurch Canonicorum

We had a terrific day Riding and Striding on 11th September. Thanks to Team Whitchurch for a great effort and to all of our sponsors throughout the community who have donated £1520 (not including Gift Aid) as of the end of October.  Richard Benjamin, Parish Organiser for Chideock rode for St Giles and St Ignatius, joined the riders and, separately, raised money for both churches in Chideock.    All money goes to Dorset Historic Churches Trust which returns half to our nominated church and uses the rest to fund its generous grants for churches throughout the county. It’s not too late to donate to this year’s appeal:

For more information on Dorset Historic Churches Trust please see: